International Committee for the Peace Council


About the Peace Council

Peace Councilors

Purpose and Commitments

Current Annual Report


Looking Ahead



How You Can Help



Thank-you to our many donors

At Soto Zen Monasteries meals are preceded by a chant: "Seventy-two labors brought us this food. We should know how it comes to us..." There are 72 traditional roles in the monastery, from cook's helper to abbot. Together they make the life of community possible. In the same way making peace and the work of the International Committee for the Peace Council depended on the awareness, the labor, and the generosity of many persons.

The Peace Council is no longer in existence; it operated from 1994 to 2010. The International Committee for the Peace Council closed in 2010. So it can no longer accept contributions. This website continues to provide a public record of the Peace Councilors' activities and accomplishments.


The International Committee for the Peace Council was recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization by the United States Internal Revenue Service. Donations were tax-deductible as provided by law. Our financial records were audited every year and they available for inspection on request. For more information you can contact Daniel Gómez-Ibáñez at

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Page Published: 05/13/2002 · Page Last Modified: May 10, 2024
©2024 International Committee for the Peace Council

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